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Looking forward

If you have started to experience benefits from this program, you are encouraged to see this as the beginning of a continuing practice.


Choosing freedom is an active choice, not a passive one, and it requires ongoing commitment. The joy of committing to this new way of thinking is that with time the process feels more natural and reverting to old habits becomes less tempting and less logical. 

At times the temptation to fall back on old strategies may be particularly strong.


Life can throw a curveball: break-ups, changes at home, work or study pressures. Events like these might make you want to seek out the 'comfort' of using old coping techniques to deal with what's going on around you. This is a normal experience and a normal reaction.


When setbacks occur it can be hard to think clearly. At these times, refer back to your Progress Plan and the following points to help you work through what it is you need to do.

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