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Am I self-critical?

The following selection are a few simple statements to help you reflect on your own self-criticism.

I tend to devalue or undersell myself

I have a difficult time accepting my weaknesses

I believe I could always do more or do better

If I do well, it was probably by chance

If I do badly, I tend to think it's my own fault

I am my own worst critic

If you feel at least 3 of these 6 statements apply to you, chances are you spend a considerable amount of time listening to your inner critic.

Identifying the inner critic

One way to help you identify your inner critic is to look for thoughts that you would hesitate to say to another person, because they sound shady or judgemental.


When you are used to being self-critical, it can sometimes be hard to recognise the self-critical voice because you accept it as the truth. 


Use the following activity to identify your inner critic. Try to understand which events most commonly trigger critical thinking and what your critical voice says.

See if you can identify those thoughts that express criticism of you. 

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